Bonny Doon’s Various Artistic Expressions
Bonny Doon Vineyard is located in Santa Cruz, California and is unlike any other grape-growing operation or winery. Along with the orchards and winery are a restaurant and accommodations for guests.
Bonny Doon Vineyard is located in Santa Cruz, California and is unlike any other grape-growing operation or winery. Along with the orchards and winery are a restaurant and accommodations for guests.
ake County, California’s new claim to fame is its growing wine industry, which produces unique, organic wines. This reputation has been cultivated over the past couple decades, as more and more vineyards and wineries have been established in the area.
Hawk and Horse Vineyards is family owned and is part of the family’s Diamond B Ranch. The members of this family have devoted their careers to growing wine grapes and cultivating the finest products for wineries. The family claims that the conditions in Lake County are unique and allow them to grow the best-quality products with the least intervention.
Biodynamic agriculture falls into the organic category of farming. This type of farming environment is very resourceful. The farmers will do their best to use everything available to them, and not bring anything from outside of the farm into the farm. That means they will try to make the farm self-sustaining.
When the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) created the National Organic Program (NOP), they defined organic wine “a wine made from organically grown grapes without any added sulfites”.
The VinOrganica app solves almost every basic need while you are touring California wineries. The obvious one is locating organic wineries.
Sulfites are forbidden in organic products by the USDA, but most winemakers consider the preservative crucial in winemaking, so few wineries want the label.
Biodynamic wine is made organically, using non-traditional methods. This practice involves a combination of natural processes, some involving animals and soil.
Wine from long habit has become indispensable for my health.” Thomas Jefferson also declared that “good wine was necessary to life.”
It may surprise many people, but the labeling laws for the wine industry are tricky and can truthfully be quite confusing for a consumer.
Natural Wine and all its complexity
A look at the history and techniques of dry farming vineyards in Sonoma County, California.