Corn Succotash and Pork Chops with Dinavolo Vino da Tavola
Corn succotash, Pork chops, Corn stock & Herb oil paired with Dinavolo Vino da Tavola
Corn succotash, Pork chops, Corn stock & Herb oil paired with Dinavolo Vino da Tavola
If you live in Italy you cannot have an Italian Christmas without nougat. Nougat is always linked to a day of celebration, the joy of being together, to share the pleasure of a delicious dessert.
An Italian, anywhere in the world, you’ll recognize immediately, because he can’t sit down to eat without the presence of bread.
The Romans used olive oil for seasoning of food, as well as for body care and medicinal purposes, but I don’t have to travel far from Rome to find the Best Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the World!
There are all sorts of cuisines that a use hot spices and peppers to bring out the flavors in foods, but what type of wine do you pair with them?
Prosecco is protected as a DOC within Italy, an Italian abbreviation for “Denominazione di Origine Controllata” or “Controlled Denomination of Origin” which is a certification given to wines.
ating organic is no longer a trend. We have experienced a surge of national grocery store chains carrying organic products and even producing their own organic labels. We no longer live in a world where you have to belong to a coop or shop only at farmers markets to receive our organic goods.
There are many misconceptions revolving around pairing food with wine, and this is particularly true of organic wine pairing. Along with the popularity of organic food has come a new push for organic wines, although many consumers are confused about what exactly this means.
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. Hippocrates (460-370 BC). This is how the film opens. We have all heard this before, but do you really listen to what it is telling you?