The Flora
Vineyard/Farm as a living, life giving system
Vineyard/Farm as a living, life giving system
The vines reach into the soil for their essential needs: water to drink and food to eat. If the soil is full of microbiotic life and natural nutrients, the vine absorbs everything it needs to grow at a normal, healthy rate.
There are many misconceptions revolving around pairing food with wine, and this is particularly true of organic wine pairing. Along with the popularity of organic food has come a new push for organic wines, although many consumers are confused about what exactly this means.
NOT too long ago, organically labelled products were somewhat a curiosity on the shelves. These days natural products that were once sold in specialist shops have gone mainstream, thanks to a more health-conscious consumer
When the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) created the National Organic Program (NOP), they defined organic wine “a wine made from organically grown grapes without any added sulfites”.
Sulfites are forbidden in organic products by the USDA, but most winemakers consider the preservative crucial in winemaking, so few wineries want the label.