Why Isn’t More Wine ‘Organic’?
Sulfites are forbidden in organic products by the USDA, but most winemakers consider the preservative crucial in winemaking, so few wineries want the label.
Sulfites are forbidden in organic products by the USDA, but most winemakers consider the preservative crucial in winemaking, so few wineries want the label.
Biodynamic wine is made organically, using non-traditional methods. This practice involves a combination of natural processes, some involving animals and soil.
Wine from long habit has become indispensable for my health.” Thomas Jefferson also declared that “good wine was necessary to life.”
It may surprise many people, but the labeling laws for the wine industry are tricky and can truthfully be quite confusing for a consumer.
Natural Wine and all its complexity
A look at the history and techniques of dry farming vineyards in Sonoma County, California.
A brief introduction to organic wine production. It covers what makes an organic wine different from regular produced wine. Organic wines have distinct benefits over wines that have sulfites present. There are criteria that have to be met to have the official USDA organic certification.
Trudie Styler and Sting discuss biodynamic wine, and starting up il Palagio Wines.
When choosing an organic wine, be sure to scan the label for information on the wine being grown organically, or selecting wines that use biodynamic grapes.
Tony Coturri, winemaker and owner of Coturri Winery, discusses sulfites and why Coturri Winery has never used them.
What is a biodynamic wine? There is a guy named Rudolf Steiner who founded the biodynamic wine movement, and he had very quircky ideas about making wine, but many of these practices have proved to improve the sort of the vineyards, the health of the vineyards and that’s what really we are talking about having healthy wines and healthy grapes.
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”. Hippocrates (460-370 BC). This is how the film opens. We have all heard this before, but do you really listen to what it is telling you?