Spiritus Terrae

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About Cantina Orsogna


Cantina Orsogna, created in 1964, is a cooperative company of 450 partners. It is the largest producer of organic and biodynamic wines in the south centre of Italy. It has more than 1.100 hectares of vines, 80% is certified organic, and 30% is certified biodynamic by Demeter. Cantina Orsogna has been certified biodynamic since 2005 and has been organic producers for more than 30 years.

Translated from Italian: “We are biodynamic, strong, kind and stubborn from Abruzzo. We know it’s not easy, but our hands and our families are constantly committed to living biodynamics not only as an agricultural method, but as an ethical opportunity to live in harmony with nature, the environment, and man.”