Sulfites Added to Wine — The Reason You Get a Hangover?
Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard this before: “Drinking red wine gives me a headache. I’m allergic to sulfites.”
Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard this before: “Drinking red wine gives me a headache. I’m allergic to sulfites.”
Once the truth about sulfites and other potential allergy culprits is understood, then the consumer can finally make an educated decision and be exposed to more wines to enjoy.
Today, the use of sulfur dioxide (SO2) is widely accepted as a useful winemaking aide. It is used as a preservative because of its anti-oxidative and anti-microbial properties in wine, but also as a cleaning agent for barrels and winery facilities.
Sulfites in wine are ingredients about which there are a lot of misconceptions. Many people avoid wine entirely because of sulfites, and for the most part this is not necessary and is based on false information.